People interested in using the Universal Law of Efficiency (ULE) for health purposes should start by purchasing the ULE Health Program. The ULE Health Program teaches the principles of healing and techniques and practices to achieve better health. If you would like additional personalized help, you can schedule a private coaching session. Please be aware that there is currently limited availability for private sessions. Initial Assessment Fee (in-office or on-site) $350.00
Hourly Coaching Rate $250.00
For on-site (in-home coaching):
On-site Coaching requires a per trip travel charge of $40.00 and up per session in addition to coaching fees. Charge is assessed based on distance traveled.
On-site (home) Coaching rate per hour $250.00
4-Hour Package Rate ($230/hr.) Prepaid $920.00
8-Hour Package Rate ($200/hr.) Prepaid $1600.00
Packages and hourly coaching can be used via phone, Skype, e-mail, or on-site; are used by appointment only (except for e-mail); and expire after one (1) years. E-mail correspondence is answered within 48 hours but is usually answered the same day. Daytime, morning, evening and weekend appointments are available for scheduling. Please note: every effort will be made to accommodate the appointment times you wish to have, but scheduled times are on a first-come-first-served basis and evening appointments are often booked well in advance.
About the Story Michael’s life had not gone as planned. He constantly struggled with grief and tension, and the belief that he was living a dead end life. He felt stuck, until he met a person who sparked the discovery that changed him forever. It turned his life around and he realized that what he’d learned could be taught to others. At first he helped a few at a time and then it grew. People were able to use his discovery to make dramatic changes in their lives. While undergoing his own transformation he falls in love with Natalie, the daughter of a US senator.
The ULE Health Program is an easily understood yet comprehensive three-and-a-half-hour video program that teaches you how to heal or prevent almost anything.
Health is the intersection of physics and consciousness. In fact, medicine is a subspecialty of physics. This is true because all biological systems must follow the laws of physics. There is no way around that.
The ULE Health Program teaches you the underlying principle of health and how to combine both the physics and consciousness of healing in a powerful new treatment modality. If you are willing to do the work required, you can heal or prevent almost anything!
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Michael and the Senator disagree on what our country and the people need. In a break with her father’s ideology, Natalie convinces Michael that of the two ways to reach people en-masse: religion or politics, he has only one choice if he wishes to be taken seriously. She convinces him to run against her father in the upcoming election.
This story illustrates how Michael’s discovery gives us the key that unlocks the power of our souls to change our lives and the world.